Elevate Yourself

Lila Collins was a 7th grader at Maize Middle School when she applied for and was awarded a $500 Student Enrichment Grant that she called “Elevate Yourself.”

Her project? To do her part in combatting teen suicide.

Lila used the grant funds to purchase resources and create a station in her school where students could learn about teen suicide and access a range of items intended to provide comfort and stress relief.

As Lila explained in her application, “The boxes will contain items to assist with relieving stress, reminding my peers they are not alone, and providing resources for coping techniques and where to get help.” She went on to say, “This project is important to me because I see my peers hurting, and I feel like I need to do something to help them. My peers have their whole lives ahead of them, and their future is unlimited.”

Included in the station, is a brochure Lila created with the help of her school counselor. You can view it below.

Thank you for creating such an impactful project, Lila!